Digital Governance

Digital Governance

When referring to Digital Governance, this not only includes the set of laws leading to an actual change in the model of public service provision (Laws 39/2015 on common administrative procedure and 40/2015 on the legal system of the Public Sector). Nor is it merely the implementation and adopting of innovative digital technologies that provide citizens with electronic access to these services. True Digital Administration is achieved by taking the actual needs of the subjects into account, adapting internal processes through simplification and redesign, and applying the innovation, evolution or transformation of systems in a balanced, dynamic manner to offer a more flexible, efficient response.

+20 years

experience in the sector

+200 expert consultants

in Digital Administration

+50 clients

rely on Babel

Focused on providing value, redesigning digital services based on user experiences and their management needs, in a constant state of innovation.

The different digital channels used by citizens, businesses, civil servants, and other bodies to interact require numerous innovative technologies that sometimes overwhelm the capacity of the administration to deploy, integrate, modify or develop software and systems to respond to the digital services that are to be provided.

Today’s society demands not only management that is impeccable and transparent, but that is also effective and usable, and that streamlines the management of its relationship with its administration at all times. We must be aware of the fact that maintaining and improving our current position number 4 in the EU Digital Economy and Society (DESI) index 2019 and the implementation of the new Strategic Plan for Digital Administration 2021-2024 will mean that all administrations must have a suitable Digital Transformation Plan to determine their digital strategy. It is in this regard that Babel can help define the best roadmap containing adaptation to Laws 39 and 40 of 2015, using the most innovative technology and the evolution, migration and refactoring of their systems so that they can be integrated into the available tools (cl@ve, geiser, notific@, authentictic@, citizen folder, etc.) to provide efficient digital services with a reasonable investment in resources.

In compliance with Laws 39 and 49/2015, the digital ecosystem of the ENI, ENS, Idas, etc. must reuse existing modules in other administrations and develop its own plan to:


  • Bring the management closer to its subjects, placing them at the heart of its processes.
  • Digitally process the files they manage, electronically filing their contents and governing the data forming them.
  • Ensure the Right to information and transparency, improving data processing and redesigning their processes.
  • Ensure internal electronic operations.
  • Work in a flexible, coordinated and interoperable manner with other Administrations.

We assist institutions in their mission to generate public value by adopting advanced modernisation strategies

Simplification of processes

Digital Administration is not a mere technology offer, but requires a holistic vision of the processes that involve citizens and that must be simplified and optimised to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital society to provide quality services to all the agents involved (citizens, companies, civil servants and other administrations).
Babel provides companies in the energy sector with its experience in designing and carrying out ad-hoc projects in this field to achieve business objectives, making the most modern cloud infrastructures and services available to its clients.

Adaptation to laws 39 and 40/2015

The current scenario of electronic processing requires the adaptation and integration of our internal systems and electronic offices for the large-scale expansion of the provision and use of digital public services. Contact our specialists in Autentic@, Habilit@, Notific@, Cl@ve, GEISER, etc.

Interoperability within and between organisations

You must properly integrate your application silos if you want flexible, effective Digital Services, and you must flexibly yet securely present your information if you are part of a process that involves other organisations. This is where our specialists can help you implement an integration platform to comply with ENI and ENS, taking advantage of new technologies for cloud, mobile, social and big data. Application integration is not a new discipline, but with the rapid evolution of new technologies and devices, a BUS is necessary to streamline the adopting of the latest technology, innovate more quickly, and integrate applications regardless of the language in which they are coded or of their location.

New relationship channels

At Babel, we used innovation and the combination of elements such as simplicity, usability and socialisation to create new digital channels with the public administration that encourage citizen participation in a more flexible, efficient manner in this new digital world. The result of this work can be seen, for example, in the increasing mobilisation of the public services or the emergence of chatbots or virtual assistants for an empowerment of technology that is increasingly necessary to meet our every-day requirements.

Electronic Offices

In order to guarantee the right of citizens to communicate with the public administration, as set forth in Law 11/2007 on Electronic Access by Citizens to Public Services, the concept of the Electronic Office was created, based on a series of technological tools of which BABEL has considerable knowledge thanks to its implementation in many different authorities through large-scale projects.


Another commitment of Babel regarding this sector is cybersecurity, a critical element in the monitoring and protection of public administration infrastructure and information systems. Not only is the incorporation of the appropriate technology and tools sufficient to identify where attacks come from, how to monitor them, how to manage them, and how to respond to them. Investment must also be made in informing and educating users on the action they can or cannot take to guarantee greater security.

Public Data Governance

The ability to efficiently identify, structure and manage all the information available to the public administrations in order to obtain the utmost value from it for citizens is a fundamental element of digital governance policies and a requirement of today’s society.

Babel helps the public authorities in this task, applying specific methods and tools to manage the full life cycle of public data, regardless of its size or nature, and incorporating the public service vision.

Transparency and Good Governance

The Transparency in Public Administrations Law 19/2013, along with all the regional regulations supplementing it, establishes the legal framework to be fulfilled by all public administrations regarding Transparency, Open Data and Good Governance Policies.

Meeting these obligations requires major actions by public authorities, in the field of administrative processes and procedures, and of the information systems supporting them, and of course requires in-depth change management and an adjustment in training for professionals.

As an expert in the integrated transformation of public administrations, Babel assists all types of authority from the sector in this transition towards the full implementation of Transparency and Good Governance policies along three core themes (processes, systems, people).

Digital Administration

The Digital Administration is no longer an added value or show of state-of-the-art, but is a right of citizens, enshrined and sufficiently developed by the different national and regional regulations in force, which are continually adapting in line with the constant evolution in this field.

In order to comply with these regulations and, therefore, fulfil their role for the general public, the administrations use Babel for the transformation of their technological processes and infrastructures in such wide-ranging areas as the telematic relationship with the general public, electronic contracting, digitisation of the processing of administrative procedures, interoperability between authorities, etc.

Digital Service Transformation

The modernisation of our IT systems is no longer a matter of differentiation but of survival, where maintaining legacy IT systems that hinder the digital transformation of our organisation is no longer an option. Get advice, if required, on:

Architecture modernisation, if you need APIfication, microservices, data partitioning, etc.
Modernise your infrastructure, through virtualisation, rehosting, and private, public and hybrid cloud solutions, etc.
Modernise the development life cycle of your IT assets, applying flexible methods, devops, new environments such as NaturalONE, fast development of Low-code applications, etc.


Digital Services Transformation

Modernising our IT systems is no longer a matter of differentiation, but of survival, where maintaining legacy IT systems that are an obstacle to the digital transformation of our organisation is no longer an option. Get advice if you need to:


Modernise your architecture, if you need APIfication, microservices, data partitioning….


Modernise your infrastructure, through virtualisation solutions, rehosting, private, public, hybrid cloud…


Modernise the development lifecycle of your IT assets, applying agile methodologies, devops, new environments such as NaturalONE, rapid development of applications using Low code, etc.

Contact Babel