AI Speed

For Babel, AI Speed can be analysed from various contexts of performance-oriented hardware, super cloud computing and application speed. In the field of artificial intelligence, AI Speed improves the speed of data consumption and processing of data and applications by using graphics cards (GPUs).  

Artificial Intelligence and the use of supercomputing are closely related and play a crucial role in the technological world.

Speed and its role in AI:

  • DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling): GPU technology that uses Deep Learning algorithms to analyse video game frames in real time, freeing the GPU from rendering effort and increasing frame rates without sacrificing graphics quality.
  • XeSS (Xe Super Sampling): Intel’s equivalent of NVIDIA’s DLSS. It works in a similar way and is designed to improve image quality in real time.
  • FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution): AMD technology that uses AI algorithms to improve resolution and image quality in games.


Main advantages Speed DLSS XeSS FSR