Case Management

Babel analyses Case Management within the scope of Hyperautomation and the data in an environment of management and monitoring of specific tasks within an automated process.


Increasing Control

Increasing visibility

Increasing flexibility

Main advantages Hyperautomation Visibility Control Flexibility

Services & experiences

Process Automation with Case Management

Automation of repetitive, rule-based tasks that are part of a larger process involving multiple steps and decisions. With Babel Case Management use cases together with Hyperautomation and data, we improve the management and monitoring of individual instances within an automated process.


Babel’s Case Management services and solutions offers great benefits in combining Hyperautomation with data. The first is efficiency improvement: Hyperautomation of tasks ensures that cases are managed efficiently and appropriate actions are taken.

Increasing visibility and control

Case Management provides a complete view of each case, enabling more effective monitoring and control.

Increasing flexibility

Case Management allows you to adapt to exceptional situations or changes in the process without affecting the overall automation.