The keys to the future in the insurance sector

Interview with Juan Cumbrado, Innovation Director of MAPFRE Spain

We talk about the new challenges that the sector has to adapt due to the exponential growth of technologies. Home, mobility and health have changed for policyholders with the transformation of habits when it comes to relating and living with new trends, something that also affects consumption.
AI is increasingly present in our lives although it has a long way to go and the hyper-personalization of customers requires flexible data processing adapted to the constant change of the target. Everything points to a new aggregate insurance model in which all services are centralized in a single product.
Is the insurance sector prepared for all these changes or does it need time to see how the rest of the sectors respond and thus implement good practices?​

The protagonists

Juan Cumbrado

Innovation Director en MAPFRE España

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Jose de Ramón

Strategic Accounts Director en Babel

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